Many people have so much stuff to get done yet they never seem to catch up. Most of us have to-do lists of stuff we need to get done either on paper or in our heads yet we never seem to do it. Well, first I will tell you that the work never ends. There will always be something on your plate and always something that can be done. However, you can greatly reduce the amount of Shit you have on your plate, be productive, get your to-do list done faster and see your life get lighter and easier. This article will allow you to save time and energy, get your shit done, reduce stress and you will see your life vastly improve!
When we have all this stuff we need to do, it doesn’t feel good. We’re stressed. It’s weighing on us. We’re going through life always thinking about what we need to get done, yet we keep putting it aside because the thought of doing it makes us want to vomit. Anyone feel this way?
How do we start? Where do we start? When do we start? What do we get done first? This is what happens. We make a to-do list right. We cross stuff off. We feel really good about it, but then there’s the 1 to few items left on our to-do list and we don’t do them. So we transfer it over onto the next day. The next day comes and same thing. We cross off a few things and the same items that were transferred over onto this day get transferred again.
What we do is usually take on the easiest tasks first. We like to see things get crossed off our list. It gives us gratification. But the tasks that we are crossing off are usually the easiest things to do. The tasks that don’t take up too much time or energy. Then when we get to the big task at the bottom, we are tired from all the easy previous tasks from before and we put it onto the next day and do the exact same thing day after day.
Here’s where it gets really interesting. The hardest and largest task is usually the most income-producing or the most important task we should get done. Yet we save it for last because the thought of us doing it makes us sick. We would rather take the easy way out and do the easier tasks first (the least important tasks) and get that instant gratification of start crossing things off.
Here’s what you do. Write EVERYTHING down you would like to get done. EVERYTHING. Every single thing. Work-outs. The items that keep getting transferred over onto the next to-do list. Things that you want to do. Things that you have to do. EVERYTHING.
First you’re going to prioritize. Make a plan. Write a number 1 down for the biggest and largest task you need to get done (the most income-producing, the most important task). The task you have been procrastinating for so long. Pick the task that will give you the most amount of success. The most amount of income. The task that you don’t want to do the most because it will take the longest. Put this 1 task or these tasks as number 1. If you have more than 1 prioritize into 1a, 1b, 1c. Do these tasks first!
When you wake up for your day, you have the MOST amount of energy. Get the biggest task done first. If you do all the small tasks in the morning (the tasks that produce the least amount of money,) (the tasks that aren’t high in importance,) you’re draining most of your energy doing these. When you cross off these small tasks and still see your largest task sitting at the bottom, there is still that stress weighing on you. Even though you just got a whole bunch of stuff done you still feel that stress. Imagine getting your largest biggest task done first and crossing it off. You will feel the most amount of relief knowing your biggest task is complete. Then the rest of your day consists of simpler tasks that don’t require as much energy. You are going after your biggest ugliest task at the beginning of the day with the most amount of energy. Then everything else will be with much more ease.
Plan your list into Months, Weeks and Days. Plan ahead. Take your EVERYTHING to-do list and split it up into days, weeks and months. Plan, Plan, Plan. Make a big accomplishment into a monthly goal. What have you really wanted to get done? Plan a big trip, do landscaping in your yard, what do you have to do? Have something big and satisfying as a monthly goal.
Also have your weekly goals. What would you like to see get done in the next upcoming weeks?
Then take that and write out daily goals. Plan your daily goals for the entire week ahead. So on a Sunday write out your daily goals for the week. Put the most important activity at the top, and work your way down. If you need to update it throughout the week you can do that. But at least have a general plan and do the best you can.
When you plan out your months and weeks and days it will actually save you time and produce the most amount of success. You will see your life significantly change and you will have less stress getting shit done.
Don’t get discouraged and don’t stress yourself out. If the same thing happens and you have 1 or 2 things you didn’t cross off and have to move it over to the next day, don’t stress yourself out. If you followed this guideline then most likely those activities will be low in importance and pretty quick to get done. Move it onto the next day and do the best you can.
Stay positive. Look at all the items you did cross off. We are not perfect. Be proud of what you did accomplish. If you didn’t get it all done, at least you got the MOST important task done.
When you have a plan, it’s WAY easier to execute it. Make your goals attainable as well. If you don’t make your goals attainable, you will get defeated day in and day out by not reaching your goals.
I hope you enjoyed this article. It’s a bit different than what I normally write about which is hiking. I do have 2 businesses and this way of thinking has helped me have a life and still get shit done!
If you’re looking for another great article that I wrote, click here. It’s called if you have a dream, go for it!
If you want more in-depth information, read Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. This article basically sums up that book. It’s the best book I ever read for productivity. This book will actually put you into action and gives you tasks to do at the end of each chapter. It’s amazing!
Thank you for reading!
Living on the Dirt / Shelly
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