Stop living the normal life and go for your dream!

You put a week of vacation time into work.  You have nine days off if you include both of the weekends, before and after. “OK, now where am I going to go? There are so many places I want to see.” […]

Getting ready for a Crazy Adventure to the National Parks!

I have had two major dreams my entire life. One, to find my biological father. I eventually found him when I was 25 years old, didn’t work out. Two, travel all around the world. Now with this second dream, this is no simple or ordinary dream, and it takes a lot of planning! With this [...]

Tips on getting prepared for your backpacking trip

When you are planning a trip, any trip, a lot can go right, and you just planned a trip of a life-time, but on the contrary, a lot can also go wrong. You can get lost, you might not have brought enough food, the environment is a lot harder than expected and your not getting [...]

By |2017-07-31T23:31:18-04:00March 10th, 2016|All Blog Entries, Prepare for Your Adventure, Resources|0 Comments