Oregon is home to the  largest sea cave in America! The company, Sea Lion Caves, charges $14 for adults, $13 for seniors, and $8 for children. Unless if there under 4. Then its free! They are located in Florence, Oregon. If you want to check out the website, check it out here… http://www.sealioncaves.com/


There are two parts of this “park.” The one part is the sea cave itself where you can observe these seals in the largest sea cave in America.


Largest Sea Cave in America!

The second part, is viewing even more seals that are resting outside of the cave on the rocks. When you head to the sea cave, you take an elevator to get down to it. Bring a sweatshirt! It can get cold down there, even on the warmest of days.

The cave offers many places to learn about these sea creatures, the Northern Sea Lion to be exact.


The seals only come to the mainland once a year. They come from Alaska so that’s pretty cool! There are interactive signs that educates you about seals, a video you can watch and even preserved skeletons to understand the anatomy of them.


Sea Lion Skeleton

It’s a great place to learn about these magnificent animals, especially for the kids!

When you reach the sea lions at the sea cave, you can only get so close. There are bars that keep you away from the seals. It is important to keep the sea lions wild and you still get a chance to look at them in their natural habitat.


There swimming!

This place should only take you a couple hours to explore. It is pretty small. Just a nice side place to visit if you want to get away for a couple hours of if you are driving on the coast, a nice quick place to visit.


There are so many of them!

When you are finished with the sea cave, you can see your second part of the visit which is observing them from the top, outside of the cave. This doesn’t have to be the second part. There is no specified way in what you see first. There actually is a split, or a T in the road in which you decide what you want to do first. You go right, you go to the sea cave, you go left, you go to the observatory. Easy peasy!


Well hello there!

These are both short walks too. But steep. I know I was a little out of breath and I am in shape. The observatory gives you a chance to see different sea lions than the ones inside. There are more of them too! Usually! For instance there was probably at least 60 of them on the rocks and in the water. They were very active when I went. Barking is what the biologists call it. And they were in a playful mood, jumping from the rocks into the water and swimming around.


“I’m just going to bathe in the sun, don’t mind me.”

Most of the time when I saw sea lions in the past they were more sedentary and the only movement I saw them do was kick sand on their bodies. So it was pretty cool!

Hope you enjoyed this article! Thank you for reading!!!!

