Travel solo or travel with people? Which one is right for you and how to decide.

Both I have experienced on several occasions and it’s all about preference and what you want out of your trip. You might even like both. Some trips you may want to be solo and some trips you may want to be with other people. […]

What to expect in Yellowstone National Park

Expect heavy crowds, long lines, people that get into your every shot, and slow-moving traffic. But with all that said, also expect some of the most amazing scenery you will ever see. […]

By |2017-12-31T15:22:06-04:00December 3rd, 2017|All Blog Entries, Destinations, National Parks, Trails, Wyoming|3 Comments

What is high pointing?

High pointing is summiting to the highest point of each state. Now, you don’t have to hit all 50 to be a high pointer. […]

Highest point in Arkansas- Mount Magazine State Park

The highest point in Arkansas is 2,753 feet, which is the highest point in most states in the Midwest and in the south. The high point is located in Mount Magazine State Park. […]